Think Bank volunteer event video transcript (DESCRIPTION) Elan Charitable Giving logo fades in on a white background. (DESCRIPTION) Footage of volunteering employees from Elan and Think Bank in the lobby of 360 Communities, taking instruction from food shelf coordinator Tom Halloran. (DESCRIPTION) Footage fades in of Chad Murray speaking on-camera. A lower third graphic reads, “Chad Murray, SVP Marketing, Think Bank” (SPEECH) Community to me, means helping one another. We all have strengths. We all have challenges. And at different times we all need help from somebody. And that's what your community is there to do is to help you when you need it. (DESCRIPTION) Think Bank employee Sonya Busch stands alongside other volunteers from Elan and Think Bank, taking instruction from Tom Halloran. (DESCRIPTION) Footage fades in of Sonya Busch speaking on-camera. A lower third graphic reads, “Sonya Busch, Business Advisor, Think Bank” (SPEECH) It's about meeting people and knowing who they are and knowing what they need and trying to meet those needs wherever they are. Whether it's in our o?ce with banking or whether it's out here at the food shelf and volunteering. (DESCRIPTION) Slowly zooming out on a photo of the exterior of Think Bank’s Eagan location. Interview shot of Sonya. (SPEECH) I came back to Think. I left for two years, and I just recently came back in November, and I came back for a reason and it's because of who Think is. And Think cares about our communities, our customers, and our employees, but we back it up with actions. (DESCRIPTION) Volunteers from Elan and Think Bank take instruction from Tom Halloran in the lobby of 360 Communities. (DESCRIPTION) Footage fades in of Chad Murray speaking on-camera. (SPEECH) One of the reasons we chose Elan is they do have a community feel as well, and they want to make a di?erence in their communities. And we always want to partner with companies that want to make the places that we live and work better places. (DESCRIPTION) The volunteers begin moving into another room. A close-up on signage outside the room reading “Food Shelf.” (SPEECH) We were really excited to hear that we had been selected to participate in this giving program with Elan. (DESCRIPTION) Footage fades in of John Owens speaking on-camera. A lower third graphic reads “John Owens, General Manager, Elan Credit Card” (SPEECH) We started the program in 2022. So, in the last two years, we've given over $1.7 million dollars, through 120 di?erent credit card partners. And we decided to let our ?nancial institution partners decide where best to deploy the funds. (DESCRIPTION) Tom Halloran gives direction to volunteers in a room containing shelves, refrigerators, and freezers stocked with food and other household supplies. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Sonya Busch. (SPEECH) We work with Elan every single day with our customers. And so it's a great way to connect our customers to tools that they need to be successful. So we're just thrilled that they approached us for this partnership with one of our favorite organizations, 360 Communities. (DESCRIPTION) Exterior shot of 360 Communities. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Tom Halloran. A lower third graphic reads, “Tom Halloran, Food Shelf Coordinator, 360 Communities” (SPEECH) 360 Communities involves ?ve di?erent food shelves. We have a network throughout Dakota County. We see people from all walks of life, and we're trying to meet the needs the best we can. (DESCRIPTION) A shot of a van in the parking lot of the building. The side of the van reads “360 Communities - Help in the moment. Hope for the future.” (DESCRIPTION) A shot moving down the hallway of 360 Communities showing pictures mounted on the wall featuring raspberries, lemons, and lettuce. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Chad Murray. (SPEECH} One of the reasons we chose 360 is that we tend to focus on organizations that help with three main pillars: helping those who need us most, helping people build a stable ?nancial future, and making our communities more thriving. And 360 Communities, through the work they do, touches on all those pillars for us. (DESCRIPTION) Tom Halloran speaks to volunteers in the food shelf. (DESCRIPTION) A volunteer from Elan wipes down a countertop. John Owens, another volunteer from Elan, and Sonya wipe down shelves. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of John Owens. (SPEECH) Our employees live in communities just like everybody else, and we want to see a positive di?erence. And so Elan is happy to a?ord our employees the opportunity and encourage them to go out into their communities and donate their time, their money, their resources, like we're doing here today. (DESCRIPTION) Chad removes a plastic bin from a refrigerator. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Chad. (SPEECH) Volunteering out in our communities, aside from just providing ?nancial assistance, is really important to us. The doing the work part is just as important as writing the check. (DESCRIPTION) Rick Grathen, an Elan employee, and other volunteers listen to direction from Tom Halloran in the food shelf. (DESCRIPTION) Rick wipes down the inside of a freezer. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Rick Grathen. A lower third graphic reads, “Rick Grathen, Account Executive, Elan Credit Card” (SPEECH) Today we're actually cleaning the food shelves cleaning where everything is stored. The freezer and refrigerated sections, we're taking everything out, taking everything o? the shelves and cleaning the area. (DESCRIPTION) Tom Halloran gives direction to volunteers in the food shelf. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Tom Halloran. (SPEECH) Think Bank coming here today and being part of this is really moving to me because not only is a team here helping us clean the place, but the donation is very, very powerful. (DESCRIPTION) Tom Halloran and John Owens holding a large check for $5,000 donated to 360 Communities from Elan and Think Bank. (DESCRIPTION) Rick Grathen places containers of salad ingredients back inside a cleaned refrigerator. Carts containing newly acquired household items, is positioned along a row of shelves. (DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Rick Grathen. (SPEECH) I think it's a great relationship builder for both of us, both in the community and with our partnerships. And I love the fact that it's local. I think it gives us a great opportunity to support our partners and those that they support in the community as well. DESCRIPTION) Tom Halloran and another volunteer roll carts containing food and household items into the food shelf. DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of John Owens. SPEECH) We donate our resources. They put it to the best use possible. Again, we feel good coming out of here because we know we made a di?erence today. DESCRIPTION) John Owens and another volunteer place food items on a shelf. DESCRIPTION) Chad Murray prepares to place the sliding door back on the front of a refrigeration unit while Rick Grathen wipes down the inside of it. DESCRIPTION) Interview shot of Sonya Busch. SPEECH) Elan de?nitely has the same values as Think, that's part of the reason that we chose them as a partner. Think is very speci?c about who we partner with, whether it's our nonpro?ts we give to or the organizations that help us support our customers through products and services. And Elan matched us step by step, and that's why we chose them, and that's why we love to work with them every day. DESCRIPTION) Aerial footage coasting over forested hills. The Elan Charitable Giving logo fades in on top of the footage, centered near the top of the frame. Bold, white text reading, “Impact is what inspires us” fades in over the footage, centered in the frame. Below that, white text reading “” fades in over the footage. (MUSIC FADES OUT)