Connexus Credit Union and The Neighbors Place Volunteer Event (Music fades in) (DESCRIPTION) The Elan Charitable Giving logo fades in over a white background. (SPEECH) Connexus, as a credit union, really strives to be that financial partner, to ensure that our members can thrive, by being a trusted credit union with valuable products and services. (DESCRIPTION) Aerial footage of the Connexus Credit Union branch in Wausau, WI. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Claire Meney. Onscreen text reads Claire Meney, Chief Operating Officer, Connexus Credit Union. (SPEECH) When we work together with Elan, what's really great about our partnership is we share the same values. One being impact, you know, whether that's for our members or for the community, but also just in terms of the products and services that we offer, the ones that we have through Elan really focused on member experience. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Tony Ince. Onscreen text reads: Tony Ince, Vice President, Account Executive Team Leader, Elan Credit Card. (SPEECH) It's a natural partnership where we've got the products, we have the experience to make it work together with the great relationships that they've made with their members. (DESCRIPTION) Aerial footage of the Connexus Credit Union branch transitions back to the interview with Claire Meney. (SPEECH) One way we can help our members thrive is through helping our communities thrive. Community to me, and to Connexus, is really about building those relationships and whether those are sort of one on one with the members that we serve or just the people that live and work around us. (DESCRIPTION) Staff from Connexus Credit Union preparing to volunteer at The Neighbors' Place. The screen then transitions back to the interview with Tony Ince. (SPEECH) Consistently in a community it's people working together to make things better. We're all better with a stronger community. (DESCRIPTION) Team members from Elan and Connexus pose for a photograph with a large donation check made for $12,500 to The Neighbors' Place from Elan Charitable Giving and Connexus Credit Union. The screen transitions back to the interview with Claire Meney. (SPEECH) When we heard a few months ago that we were selected by Elan to be part of this donation, we were thrilled. We've been partners with Elan for over 16 years but when we knew we could partner in this way on the community side, it just took it to the next level. (DESCRIPTION) Elan and Connexus team members assemble packages containing informational flyers and books about potty training. (SPEECH) I think it's important that Elan involves the credit union in the decision about where to donate the money. They are in the community. They know where the opportunities are. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Clare Meney. (SPEECH) We decided on the donation to The Babies' Place and The Neighbors' Place because we have been working with them for a number of years, so we really knew the impact that they were already making in our community. So, we felt very confident about this being the right place for the donation. (DESCRIPTION) Volunteers gather to begin assembling potty-training kits. A table with signage reads "The Babies' Place." Elizabeth Robinson appears on screen explaining the project to volunteers. (SPEECH) Community is really at the heart of everything that we do here. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Elizabeth Robinson. Onscreen text reads: Elizabeth Robinson, Community Engagement Manager, The Neighbors' Place. (SPEECH) The Neighbors' Place was started in the '80s by a group of churches coming together to fill needs for community members who didn't have access to the essentials. And over time it evolved, and The Babies' Place came to be in 2021. (DESCRIPTION) External aerial footage of the Community Partners Campus in Wausau, Wisconsin appears. The screen transitions to interiors shots with signs reading "The Neighbors' Place, People Helping People, Administrative Offices" and "The Market." The camera pans storage racks with fresh produce. (SPEECH) Diapers are our priority, but families get a pack of wipes as well. Hygiene products as it's available. Things like diaper cream, shampoo, body wash, all of that. We also have formula available as needed. (DESCRIPTION) A large, framed photo on the wall featuring four babies. The camera tracks backwards down a long row of bins filled with diapers and then a shelf with cannisters of baby formula. The camera returns to the interview with Tony Ince. (SPEECH) I'm a parent. I have two children. I remember what the cost of diapers were, and I just think it's important that that we can give back and help out, you know, in the community. (DESCRIPTION) Team Members from Elan and Connexus pose with Elizabeth and other staff from The Neighbors' Place with two large checks, both made out for $5,000. One is from Elan Charitable Giving and Connexus Credit Union, the other is from Connexus Cares. A still photo of the same scene fades in and slowly zooms out. Interview footage of Claire Meney. (SPEECH) We're really excited because Connexus Cares has chosen to match the donation that Elan is giving to The Neighbors' Place. Which is just a great partnership and way that we can kind of double up on the impact we're able to make. (DESCRIPTION) Volunteers from Elan and Connexus assemble packages of diapers. (SPEECH) It's humbling to have this amount of support and people who not only want to support it financially but also dig their hands into it. (DESCRIPTION) Return to interview footage of Elizabeth Robinson. (SPEECH) Today we're actually launching kind of a new project for The Babies' Place that we're super excited about. Volunteers will be building these potty-training kits. (DESCRIPTION) Elizabeth shows volunteers a flyer describing the potty-training kits. Numerous copies of a children's book about potty-training are stacked on a table. A volunteer seals a plastic bag containing new pairs of underwear of small children. A volunteer packages on one of the potty- training books with a sheet of stickers. (SPEECH) We've got pediatricians, we have social workers, committee members who are actively working and supporting families and their health in our community, who identified what items would best fit into these kits, and then our volunteers will put them together. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Claire Meney. (SPEECH) I think it not only gives people a chance to often work side by side, you know, with teammates that they haven't worked together with before, but just get to know people in their communities and kind of feel like they're making a difference. (DESCRIPTION) Volunteers sort items for the potty-training kits. Interview footage of Tony Ince. (SPEECH) We consistently work with our partners in the office towards success, but it's so nice to get outside of the office and see what impact they're making in the community. (DESCRIPTION) Elan and Connexus team members assemble more of the kits. Interview footage of Elizabeth Robinson. (SPEECH) That is what we're so appreciative about is having people show up and support us in the work and be the boots on the ground with us. (DESCRIPTION) Elan and Connexus team members continue assembling the kits. (SPEECH) It makes me feel really good knowing that every day, when I go to work, that we're making a difference no matter what it is. (DESCRIPTION) Interview footage of Tony Inc. (SPEECH) 100% it strengthens the relationship by this donation that we're able to make together to help a partner give back to their community. (DESCRIPTION) Aerial footage coasting over forested hills. The Elan Charitable Giving logo fades in on top of the footage, centered near the top of the frame. Bold, white text reading, "Impact is what inspires us" fades in over the footage, centered in the frame. Below that, white text reading "" fades in over the footage. (MUSIC FADES OUT)