
Elan and Connexus Credit Union Support Wausau Community 

November 26, 2024

The Elan Charitable Giving program donated $375,000 across 30 nonprofits in 2024. The Neighbors’ Place in Wausau, Wisconsin, was one of the selected organizations nominated by our partner Connexus Credit Union to receive a $12,500 donation. During National Diaper Need Awareness Week in September, Elan and Connexus Credit Union were able to further the impact with an in-person volunteer event at The Neighbors’ Place.

Claire Meney, Chief Operating Officer at Connexus Credit Union, shared, “When we work together with Elan, what’s great about our partnership is that we share the same values. One of those values is impact, whether that’s a financial impact for our members with the products or in the communities we serve.” 

Six volunteers sort and package diapers at a large table.
A group of volunteers stand together facing the camera holding two large promotional checks.

The Neighbors’ Place is a robust resource for the community providing food and necessities for those in need. In 2021, they launched a new initiative, The Babies’ Place, to bring awareness and access to diapers and education to growing families.

During the event, Elan donated an additional $5,000, which was matched by Connexus’ philanthropic program, Connexus Cares, making a total impact of $22,500 to support the work of The Neighbors’ Place.

Stacks of brightly colored potty training children's books on a table.

Throughout the event, volunteers sorted and packed over 8,000 diapers and spent time cleaning and organizing the facility for clients. The donations by Elan and Connexus also funded a new program to support families on the potty-training journey, with the goal of reducing the need for diapers. Volunteers created 125 kits for families which included a 3-in-1 potty chair, picture book, stickers, and training resources for caretakers.

“It’s humbling to have this amount of support and from people who not only want to support [us] financially, but also dig their hands into it … that’s what we’re so appreciative about is having people show up and support us in the work and be the boots on the ground with us,” said Elizabeth Robinson, Community Engagement Manager at The Neighbors’ Place.

On top of a table with purple tablecloth is a 3-in-1 children's potty, books, and folders with informational resources.

Giving back to the community is a commitment of all our Elan partnerships. We look forward to continuing the Elan Charitable Giving program in communities across the country.


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